Vertrag Translation in LEOs English German Dictionary
Different Meanings and Definitions
The word "Vertrag" has several different meanings and definitions in German. It can be used to refer to a contract, treaty, or compact. Additionally, it can also be used to refer to a covenant.
Examples of Usage
Here are a few examples of how "Vertrag" can be used in a sentence:
- "Ich habe einen Vertrag mit einem neuen Job unterschrieben."
- "Der Vertrag zwischen den beiden Ländern wurde gestern unterzeichnet."
- "Wir haben einen Vertrag mit unserem Vermieter über die Miete unserer Wohnung."
The word "Vertrag" is a versatile term that can be used in a variety of contexts. By understanding the different meanings and definitions of the word, you can use it correctly in your own writing and speaking.